Sinton Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What To Do If Your Filling Falls Out

You get a filling to address a cavity when you have a hole in your tooth. The longevity of a filling depends on its maintenance and daily wear and tear. Eventually, fillings need replacement before they fall out. This blog will guide you on what to do if your filling falls out.

Steps to Take When the Filling Falls Out:

  • Secure the filling: If you can locate it, preserve the lost filling to show your dentist. Rinse it with water and store it in a Ziploc bag. Your dentist may or may not reuse it.
  • Clean the affected area gently: The exposed area might trap food particles, so brush it gently to remove any debris. Be cautious during oral hygiene routines and avoid areas that might cause discomfort.
  • Use dental cement: Available at most pharmacies, dental cement can temporarily fill the gap left by the fallen filling. Mold a small amount into the cavity and press it down with a damp cotton ball.
  • Manage the pain: An exposed nerve can cause significant pain. Use over-the-counter pain relievers to numb the area. Even if painless, seek dental treatment promptly.
  • Avoid pressure on the damaged tooth: Exerting force on the affected tooth can exacerbate the damage. Avoid hard foods and chew using the opposite side of your mouth.
  • Seek emergency dental care: For minor symptoms, you might wait a few days before seeking treatment. However, if you experience severe pain, bleeding, discharge, or extensive cracks, contact your dentist immediately.


While the above remedies provide temporary relief, immediate professional intervention is crucial during a dental emergency. Your dentist will assess the affected tooth for additional decay. Depending on the issue, a new filling or other treatments might be recommended. 

In cases where the tooth structure is compromised, a crown might be suggested. If the infection has reached the root canal, endodontic treatment might be necessary.

Final Overview:

Fillings, subjected to daily pressures, can loosen and fall out over time due to wear or tooth decay. If you lose a filling, notify your dentist immediately. Most dental offices have provisions for emergencies. If the incident occurs over the weekend, leave a message or use the emergency contact. Remember, while losing a filling during activities like eating is common, it’s essential to seek professional advice to prevent further damage.=