Sinton Dental

Dental care

How obvious is Invisalign?

A lot of people decide against getting braces because they do not like the appearance of metal brackets and wire.

The good news is that Invisalign is also known to straighten your smile without getting obvious.

Can you notice Invisalign?

The Invisalign process uses clear aligners that gradually reposition your teeth over time. Since the flexible plastic is clear, it is a challenge for overlookers to see.Patients don’t need to stress over the visibility of their aligners at home or work.

However, clear material is not similar to invisible material. While Invisalign is generally hard to detect, in some situations people may still see them.

Taking care of Invisalign 

While Invisalign goes undetected in many situations, some conditions make them more noticeable.

This is why it is critical to emphasize the importance of taking care of your teeth and gums.

Regular brushing and flossing remove any obvious food particles and debris.

During follow-up appointments, dental professionals examine the aligners and let the patient know if your orthodontic treatment is working as planned. Moreover, they also discuss if your aligners have become discolored or stained.

Things to avoid that make Invisalign more obvious 

Some things determine whether your aligners stay clear over time.The following are some of the things to consider avoiding if you wish to keep your Invisalign clean and clear.

  • Staining food and drinks: Dentists ask patients to limit items like red wine, cola, tea, and coffee for the duration of their treatment. If you cannot avoid them, keep in mind to brush & floss your teeth before replacing your aligners.
  • Lipstick products: Just like staining drinks, lipstick is also known to discolor your aligners. You may want to temporarily avoid bright color lipsticks in case they accidentally transfer to the plastic.
  • Smoking: The nicotine and tar content of cigarettes isn’t only perilous for your overall health. Even smoking over a short period will cause your aligners to appear yellowish or brown.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!