Sinton Dental

Dental care

What To Do If A Filling Falls Out or A Tooth Breaks & You Can’t Get To Your Dentist

You are busy with your things; you bite down and suddenly feel something moving in your teeth. Whoa! Your dental filling has dislodged. You might feel panicky at this time but do not worry. Though falling off a dental filling is a serious matter, there are things you could do by yourself at home without having to rush to a dentist. The same applies to the chipping of a tooth.

Steps to Take When the Dental Filling Falls Off

  • Securely store the filling – The first thing you must do is store the lost filling, if you can find it, to show it to your dentist when you can visit them. Just clean it with water and store it in a Ziploc bag. Your dentist might or might not need to use it later.
  • Clean the affected area gently – The newly exposed material could hold food debris, so carefully brush that area to remove any residue. You need to be very gentle and also avoid brushing those areas that cause you pain.
  • Secure the hole with dental cement – Dental cement is available in many pharmacies. You would need to make a small ball of this cement and then place it in the hole created when the filling fell off. Then use a wet cotton ball to pack it down.
  • Mellow down your discomfort while you wait – A missing filling could at times cause immense pain as the nerve is exposed. Try to numb it with OTC medicines while you wait. A word of caution, even if there is no pain, you still need to avail treatment as soon as possible,
  • Do not apply any pressure on the damaged tooth – Putting pressure on the damaged tooth can worsen the situation. Avoid food that needs lots of chewing, like apples, and try your best to chew from the opposite side. If you bite or chew on the affected side, it could cause more chipping and weakening of the tooth.
  • Reach out if you feel signs of an emergency – With mild symptoms, you can wait for 2-3 days before seeking treatment. But if you experience symptoms like excruciating pain, bleeding, fluid discharge, or the appearance of cracks, then you must contact your dental professional immediately.

Steps to Take When a Tooth is Chipped

Sudden chipping or breaking of a tooth can cause an alarm. Such dental accidents can happen to anyone, even with perfect oral health. Mentioned below are certain things you can do to avoid further damage to your tooth:

  • Rinse your mouth with water immediately.
  • Apply pressure to curb the bleeding and call an emergency in case the bleeding does not stop.
  • If the tooth has lodged off, then preserve it in slime solution (you could use milk or water too).
  • For pain and swelling cold compress works wonders.
  • If there is inflammation and discomfort, then take OTC medicines.
  • You must see your dentist as soon as possible once you have taken these measures to avoid pain and further damage.

Despite all the at-home measures described, seeking immediate professional help is crucial. Even if your pain eases or bleeding stops, you cannot assume all is well since only a dentist can confirm the level of damage and the next course of action for you.

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